On Sunday I will be running my 29th full marathon in my 17th state (having also run 34 half marathons in 8 states). Could somebody pretty please tell me why the heck I'm so nervous about THIS ONE?? I'm not sleeping well, my skin is breaking out, my stomach is upset, my sweet disposition is on edge. (Stop laughing or I'll hurt you.) I'm nervous about the race itself since -- well, since it's a marathon! It's 26.2 miles of very very crowded streets, starting much later in the day than I'm used to. We'll still need to get up at some ungodly early hour but we won't start running until after 10:10 am (and won't finish before the sun sets). I'm claustrophobic and crowds make me itchy. And I'm very intolerant towards rude runners, of which there will be an abundance in the field of about 45,000 runners. Throw in travel with a large group, an airline I'm not used to, New York prices and oy vey. I'd like to curl up in bed with a bear and a large glass of vodka.
I should think of yarn instead. Om. This is how far I've gotten on the Opera Scarf. It will look much better, more open, after it's blocked. Which won't be for quite some time since I have most of it still to knit. I should get lots done on the long flights, probably very little in-between. Although I'll almost certainly have a couple of other projects before I finish this, I'm on a roll now and it will be done for this winter.
I had a very good run last night with Pam. We only ran our short short route but it was enough to calm my nerves for a while. Also, it's wonderful therapy venting all of my issues to a captive ear. Well, not too captive; she's faster than I am and could run away if she chose. Heh. She's too nice for that! This will be my last run before New York unless I get all my stuff packed while I'm passing out candy tomorrow night. Which means it's probably my last run.
Late yesterday afternoon the man in brown delivered a very squished looking box to my office. He plopped down upon my desk this sorry looking sight:
Instead, for the Gratuit
Eeek, I'm nervous too... :(
ReplyDeleteOh, and congrats on 200!!!