Last night's swim was very breezy and it was nice being in the water instead of out where it was nasty chilly. Claudia had determined that we weren't swimming nearly enough; we were apparently only doing enough mileage for a sprint triathlon. Whoopsie! We didn't increase drills last night (in fact we cut them by one set) but we increased our warm-ups and cool-downs. Phil joined us last night and he couldn't believe we had to double and triple what we were already doing. So smart Phil did the math and figured out that we were counting the sets incorrectly. Whew! I'm just going to follow behind Claudia and do whatever she's doing - no mathiness impinging on my brain while I'm going back and forth!
My physical therapist has decided that I have a weakness in my entire left leg, hip down to foot, so now he's added more legsercises (that's my new word, like it?) to my already takes-too-much-time grind. And he's insisting that I need to do them twice daily, even if it means giving up sleep. Right. I know that I'm the one that will benefit from really working at it but c'mon, I just don't have that time in real life. As much as I want to be ready for the half marathon next month, I can't see getting up at 5:30 am every day to get in an extra set of strengthening and stretching. I treadmilled 2 minutes walking, 8 minutes running today, repeated 3 times, and I'm still getting that shooting pain in my knee. I'm getting very frustrated.
I'm going down to San Diego to visit my mom this weekend, probably for the last time. I'm helping her get ready for the big move scheduled for the first week of April. I'm going to bring back some stuff that she doesn't want to have the movers ship and she can't handle when she flies up here. I'll miss the area down there but it will be much easier having her here, even though that will be even more added to my weekly schedule.
Have a great weekend everyone!
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