I plugged my iPod into my computer and it (the iPod) just freaked out. I got the "do not remove" screen, but it was still and wasn't recognized by iTunes or my computer. Then iTunes (that's it, I'm done typing the caps on those) crashed. And my computer froze. So I had to reboot the computer, with the ipod still frozen. Yes, I tried all the five steps for unfreezing it (which, strangely enough do not include putting your ipod in the hands of a higher power), several times. Blah blah try everything again blah, frozen itunes, frozen ipod, frozen computer, over and over, removed itunes, replaced itunes, reupdated itunes, the ipod got recognized by the computer once but said it was damaged, yada yada do this do that yada yada and on and on until I was ready to pull my hair out. [Which may have been a better idea than it sounds, since I really need a haircut.] I virus checked the computer, in case that was causing the freeze. I tried to defrag, in case everything was all blocked up, but my defrag program had expired so I had to buy a new program which turned out to be the wrong program but would work for one defragging so I started that but meanwhile it took for-freaking-ever to do.
So there's my ipod, still telling me do not remove, so I decided to just let the batteries run down and worry about it in the morning. Since it was 11:30 pm and way past my bedtime. But the computer was still defragging. Sigh. I left it running and went to bed. And stared at the ceiling. And tossed. And turned. Have I mentioned lately that I have insomnia? And that I'm still on standard time despite the time change? Sigh again.
This morning I checked the computer and it had successfully changed all the red sectors to blue and white sectors, so at least my defragging maintenance worked. I checked the ipod and yay! It was dead and blank! No more warning screen of death! I restarted itunes and it looked good. I verrrrry carrrrrefully attached the ipod and hurrah! the apple logo appeared. Then the "do not remove" screen started, but it was flashing and the battery charging thingie was charging. And wonder of wonders, it showed up on itunes and started updating. Gee, aren't I glad I spent the entire frigging evening wasting my time!?!
I'm not touching any of that shit tonight. The plan is to pack and go to bed early, since I have to leave for the airport at the ungodly time of -- wait for it -- 4:30 am. Yes, that means no blogging until Tuesday. See ya!
Today's Gratuitous Bear of the Day is Molasses. Yeah, I already had a Honey, the new one was a little darker, so I was going for a theme here. Work with me people! Shithead gave me 'Lasses right after we started dating. He (the bear) looks kinda funny in the picture, because his legs are formed to hug your arm. Awww!
urrgghh iPod and iTunes. I had a major freeze up on my iPod when we went to Vegas, the only thing that worked was letting it die and re-charge itself.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, have a GREAT TRIP and a GREAT RACE. Can't wait to hear about it and eewww 4:30 airport :o( no fun.
Good luck this weekend!! I can't wait to hear all about it on Tuesday!