Last night was another successful (if small) Stitch 'n' Bitch at my house. There were just 5 of us, a perfect number to fit into my little family room. Ok, 12's a perfect number to fit in there. Actually, I've had over 30 fit in there. But with 5 of us we all have room to spread out our knitting and our other things.
We stuffed our faces with a yummy salad (thanks Olivia!), yummy turkey meatballs (thanks Anita!), yummy veggies (thanks Cynthia!), yummy wine (thanks Claudia!) and chicken, shrimp, bread, etc. Very healthy, so as a treat we also had chocolate biscotti. Good eats! When we were too full to eat another bite we got down to the important business of knitting.
Since I have a top loading washing machine everyone brings over any felting they have to do. Olivia had knit a wonderful hat, which unfelted looked like a topper for a giant. It felted down pretty quickly and looks gorgeous. I'm gonna have to get that pattern!
I got a present! If you follow the Claudia link above, you can read about how her doggy ate the wrapping. When the pillow in the photo is flipped over, it's a knitting stash pillow. Very cute! My knitting buds got it at Stitches West to thank me for hosting the the SnBs. I won't tell them that I really like having them all over, it's the only time I really clean the house! Thank you, guys, it's a great gift!
I worked on my red (of course) scarf that I started before I left for Birmingham and have ripped out 3 times. It's alpaca/tencel (what the hell is tencel?) and, at least the first couple of times you knit it, shows great stitch definition. I wanted to do a multi-cable 2-sided scarf. I've finally gotten it so the double cables on one side and the single cable on the other side all look good and it's about 5 inches long now. I lost my cable needle (yes, I use a cable needle - what of it?) and spent some time searching frantically for it. I finally gave up and got another needle. A while later I ran my fingers through my hair and realized I had tucked the damn needle over my ear. Ouch! and D'oh! Everyone got a good guffaw at my expense. Blame it on the wine ...
Nike sent out a link for early registration for their fall marathon. It's supposed to be a special link for special people, good for (get this) 26.2 hours before general registration opens tomorrow (and no, I'm not including the link here -- so there!). There must be thousands and thousands of special people because the website keeps crashing and you can't register. Since it's 2 weeks before New York we're going to run the half. We don't like Nike too much, don't like the high price of the race, definitely don't like their little "expotique," don't like how their bus drivers ALWAYS get lost going from one end of San Francisco to the other, don't really like their hilly course. But we do like the Tiffany finisher's necklace and the finishers shirt. So like the suckers we must be, we'll all sign up and run it again.
Think dry thoughts; I really want to run outside tonight!
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