Our run last night got rained out. I think that it actually stopped at the exact minute we would have run, but by then we had already decided to cancel. Up until, oh, yesterday, I would have just blown off the workout and taken a freebie day, but not last night! Hi Mr. Treadmill, didja miss me? Hi Mr. Exercise Room, remember me? I was on the treadmill for almost an hour, although about 10 minutes of that was a walking warm-up and cool-down. Funny, I never do that when I'm running outside but I always do it on the 'mill. I've always set my treadmill at 2% incline and 5 mph (a 12 minute mile) but last night I ran with it flat and about 4.8. It went pretty well and I watched 3 more episodes of Sports Night. Have I mentioned recently how much I love that show??
The rain has passed for now, but it cooled off considerably - it's only in the 40's! I didn't realize that and of course dressed for the 60's. Good thing that the temp in my office has no relation to the weather outside.
My sis just sent me an email asking if I'd come to see her and run the Country Music Marathon, or the half, in Nashville on April 2
Today's Gratuitous Bear of the Day is Bunny. He's only a few inches long, very small. I got him back about the time I was preparing for my wedding (the first one) so it was early spring, around Easter time. He was actually in a display of Easter bunnies, and kind of looks like a bunny, hence the name.
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