Last night my legs were hurting big time and I excused myself from abusing them further. I'm torn between the workout-every-day thing and the ow-I-need-to-recover thing. For weight control there definitely has to be at least 40 minutes of heart raising cardio, but for running there has to be a night off. It's really challenging to have a good cardio workout with using your legs! At least I haven't come up with anything yet.
I did end up going to WW yesterday. They've automated everything since the last time I was there (and it's about time). Now they scan your little booklet, you step on the scale, and it spits out a sticker with your current weight, weight change, plan details, etc. Pretty nifty, huh? They've also come up with new 1 point bars. These are little snack bars (and I do mean little), like a little candy bar, and they're surprisingly filling. I was starving when I got to the meeting (no, I'm not going to eat lunch before I weight in - get real!) and after eating one I was fine until I got back to the office and my salad. I'm going to try to go to meetings at least twice monthly, but it's a pain leaving the office in the middle of the day and working late to make up for it.
I went shopping last night and filled my basket with tons of veggies, fruit, yogurt, y'know, that healthy stuff. I treated myself to sushi for dinner but made sure to honestly count the points. I surprised myself by how full I was, and how full I stayed for the rest of the night.
I skipped my latte this morning (since Safeway canceled their buy 7 get 1 free promotion) and I wonder how I'll feel in a couple of hours. I love caffeine, but when I'm fully addicted to it (which only takes about 5 days in a row) I get horrible headaches when I skip it. That's why I quit it entirely several years ago. I know that one cup a day isn't going to hurt my health, and will probably help it, but I hate feeling that I have to have it or else I'll be in pain. A large -- excuse me, venti -- latte fills me up for almost the whole morning, is only 4 points (for the non-fat version), I get part of my daily calcium, it tastes great, but I just don't want to have to do it every day. Oh, what to do, what to do!
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