After we finished the race we decided to return to TnT for a second season, as mentors. We ran together until I was diagnosed with a stress fracture, then I was relegated to the cheer
In the middle of all this, Ellen's life took a bit of a change when she got married. Then, as often happens, she got pregnant and had Matthew. [Ok, I'm skipping some time here, just go with it!] Even though her family moved back to San Ramon I saw very little of her, because our schedules just didn't match up too well. Visits became few and far between. Finally on Sunday we managed to visit.
I went over to their lovely (big) house where we chatted and talked and watched Matthew play with his toys, then eat a snack. Yummy, grapes. Look mommy, sticky hands! After cleaning up we decided to go to the park and let him run around. Saturday had been so nice and cool, we didn't realize that the cool-off had lasted only that one day.
By the time we got to the park the sun was blazing down and it was quite warm. None of us were prepared for that; we were ov
We've pledged that our visits will be more frequent. We're not going to wait until her kids are in college to get together again. Yes, kids, plural. Matthew's little brother is due in the fall. Although you really can't tell from looking at Ellen; she looks healthy, fit and slim still. After the baby comes I'm sure I'll see more of her, she'll need some females around to balance out all the males in her life. Heh heh.
Last night's run with Pam seemed harder than it should have. It was in the mid-90's when we started, high-80's when we finished. For some reason my legs wanted to go very very fast, but my lungs weren't cooperating too well. Even Pam felt like we were pushing the speed. We did the full short short run, all 3.2 miles of it, and were tired and worn out when we finished. Boo hoo, she's going out of town and I'll have a full week of trying to find someone else to run with. No sitting around just because she's gone!
Right now I'm in the initial planning stages for my next marathon. I know, I'm doing New York in the fall, but we're planning on at least one race before that as a tune-up. I'll let you know when we figure out where we're going!
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