Stupid National Weather Service forecast for Sunday is still an overnight low of 43 and a high of 85, sunny with winds of 9-14 mph. Hey! Trying to run here! Weather Underground's forecast is a little friendlier, with 8:00 am forecast to be at 44 degrees and 2:00 pm at only 76; sunny with winds from 8-11 mph. The Weather Channel is completely different from both of those; low of 45, high of 67, partly cloudy, humid and winds of 13 mph. Makes planning tough. I'd like to wear the short sleeved TnT shirt, since my shoulders and arms will be freezing in the morning, but it may just be too warm later and I'll need the singlet (which I find very uncomfortable; Nike styles these things for tiny women and even the big sizes just don't fit right). I'll take both and decide Saturday evening which to pin the number on.
Slogged a bit more on my superlong wrap last night. I think I still need it to be 8-10 inches longer. This will be the first thing I've tried blocking and I'm not sure how much the length will be affected, so since I have the yarn I'm just going to keep going. Yawn. I was trying to decide which project to take with me this weekend and realized that it doesn't really matter; I'm not going to be in my room for much non-sleeping time, and it's not like I can knit whi
Today's Gratuitous Bear of the Day is Toastie. He really is toastie; he's a warmable heating pad bear. I can stick him in the microwave for a couple of minutes and he gets warm. Of course, putting him in the microwave feels like I'm committing bearicide! I feel kind of like Snidely Whiplash when I do this; "haha nothing can save you now Toastie Bear" before Amy Do-Right comes to the rescue and turns off the oven. Hokey smoke, I think I watched too many cartoons in my formative years!
I can't wait to hear all about Avenue... I'm sure you rocked the course!!