The doc recommended that I just have the nails removed permanently. ::Shudder:: I ... I .... I just can't even think of that now. Ewwwww!
The nailectomies didn't keep me from running last night though. Pam and I ran our usual short short route, about 3.3 miles. Things hurt when we started but felt pretty good by the time we finished. I think we hit every single red light on the route, so we had breaks, but the rest went very well. I iced my heel after I got home.
I had a salty accident on Sunday. I was walking from my kitchen with my hands full of my dinner and water so I tucked the salt shaker under my arm. I sat on the sofa, put down the plate and the glass, and all of a sudden everything was covered with salt. Like a half cup of it. The shaker had broken in two, leaving a little Hansel and Gretel trail from the kitchen. Salt everywhere. Holy crap! Did you know that salt is almost impossible to clean off your kitchen floor? I used the vacuum attachments to clean up the sofa and foot stool and surrounding carpet, then vacuumed everything else. And again. Repeat once more. I put the vacuum away, walked across the kitchen floor and realized there was still salt there. I wiped it up with a wet towel. Still more salt. I took out the vacuum and ran it over the kitchen floor again. Aaaand, again. Still more salt. I wiped it up with a wet sponge. Finally it seemed to be all gone. Until last night when there was more salt there. I think I'll be cleaning up salt for the next month. I have to buy a new salt shaker now.
I did more knitting on my Cider Moon chevron scarf last night. I keep saying it's almost finished and it is, but it isn't. I only managed about 4 repeats last night and at this rate it'll take me at least a week or two, unless I have more time to spend on it. I have so many projects backed up in my brain that I want to do, and don't know when I'll get
The Gratuitous Bear of the Day is my newest bear. I saw him at the Erie Airport and couldn't resist. It's hard to read in the picture, but his tummy says "Presque Isle, Erie" with a little sailboat. Very cute. Since he was so small I decided that indeed, I did need him to be my ne
i read your blog about 10 minutes ago, why am I still thinking of the toe nails being pulled....OUCHIE!!!!!!