I had an ok run last night, before the weather turned. It was buddy run night so of course I was running alone. Oh, boo hoo me. Suck it up and run. Yeah, I wasn't really in the mood so I just ran a little over 3 miles. This time I remembered the foot part of the Nike+ thingamabobber. I guess it calibrates differently for running and walking because in the 3.26 miles I ran it said I went 3.39. That's a pretty big difference on such a sort run. I know the mileage from the Park Service maps and I'm thinking that it's much more correct than the Nike+. It was fun seeing the (sorta) miles I had run, the (sorta) speed I was going and the (sorta) calories burned. I enjoyed the music and was better able to regulate my speed than last week.
I'm getting so damn close to finishing Clapotis I can taste it. With the knitting part I only have 2 short sets of rows to go. Then I have to finish dropping all the stitches and weave in all the ends. I still haven't quite figured out the weaving part an
Today's Gratuitous Bear of the Day is Maggie. She's the other bear I got when I bought Winnie. After I received them I needed names that went with their former home and finally decided on Margaret and Winston. Much too lofty for little bears so they got nicknames.
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