Everywhere else I needed to go on Sunday -- OSH, Nob Hill, Trader Joe's and Safeway -- all wanted my business. Good thing too. This dieting stuff means I actually have to have food in the house. Healthy, fresh food. Except TJ's was healthy frozen food. And don't be silly, of course OSH was for hardware and snail bait. No food there except for candy. And what's up with that? Every single store now carries junk food of some kind. I guess it's for those times when you're starving and you can't walk the 10 feet to the next store or restaurant to get real food. No wonder we're all fat with clogged arteries.
Sunday was a beautiful day; sunny and warm with a breeze. My garden is looking great. See the bunnies in the azaleas? I have lots of stone critters in the garden, everything from the little bunnies here (they're very little bunnies, those are mini azaleas), to big gargoyles. From spring through late fall they peek through the plants but in winter it looks like som
Thursday night Pam and I ran our usual short short route. One of these days we're definitely going to run the longer, short route. Right. When we finished we both stopped our watches and said "wow" almost in unison; we had run faster than we normally do. No wonder I was out of breath most of the run. I thought it was because I was talking!
Friday was a lovely day. I didn't go to work. It was a day off and this time I just wanted a nice, quiet, busy day at home. I slept later than usual (looking at the clock every hour or so and not wanting to get up yet). I finished all my paperwork, got everything filed away where it belongs. All that bookkeeping stuff I don't feel like doing after a long day of work. My desk and my filing cabinet top are clear for once. That'll last until Monday's mail.
Saturday's run at Inspiration Point was drizzly and windy. None of us really felt like tackling the big hill at the end so we wussed out and only ran 6 miles. I was soaked when I finished so I really didn't mind the shorter mileage. I'll make up for it next week!
I got some knitting done on Clapotis, but not as much as I'd have liked, although I only have a few sets of repeats left. All that napping and reading, y'know. I also knit a few inches on my multidirectional diagonal scarf while I was on the phone with my sis and my mom. I didn't want to chance making a mistake on Clapotis so I just knit away on the mindless back and forth.
I now have a clean house, with clean clothing, filled with healthy food. I caught up on my sleep, and had a good run. Bring on Monday!
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