Friday, January 19, 2007

Running Again. Whew!

Last night Pam and I went for our regularly scheduled run. That we hadn't done for 2 weeks, because of travel and my cold. It was in the mid-40's outside, and the air was pretty foul. C'mon guys, "spare the air night" means quit burning wood in your fireplaces, there's too much schmootz in the air already. I used to think that summer days with brown skies were bad, but this is worse.

It felt good to get out there but it also showed me that I really need to get back to this on a regular basis. Of course, that's one reason I'm rejoining the Team. I figure I'll run on Monday with Pam, Tuesday with my buddy group, Thursday with Pam, Saturday with the Team and Sunday with my group. Some weeks my group will join me for the Team runs, so Sundays and Wednesdays I'll cross train. Stop laughing. I really will. No, I mean it.

When I chatted with my mom on the way home from the run, she worried about my coughing and told me I shouldn't run at night if it was going to make me sick. Yeah. That's gonna happen. It's even colder in the early morning, so I think I'll keep with my current schedule. Besides, everyone coughs after running in the polluted cold air, don't they??

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