Olivia and I had a great run last night. We had to slightly change our normal route because of the trail closure. We ran on the neighborhood streets and looked at all the cute houses. We ran fast on the streets, then fast on the trail, then turned around to return and were tuckered out. We finished with 3.5 miles, all run quickly. We're thinking of running from the other end of the trail so that we miss the construction zone and so that the downhill is on our return. That way we can speed along the first half and feel better on the second.
Claudia didn't run with us again; she's injured. What an incredible drag having to worry about training and worry about not training and worry about not getting in the miles. She'll be ok, I know she's going to be smart enough to not push her healing and make certain her injuries are healed before heading out. Right? Right? She has plenty of time to train for New York.
Today's Gratuitous Bear of the Day is Cody. Several years ago I had some surgery and my sister sent me a get well bear. He's a Vermont Teddy Bear and I think he's just adorable. He's another bear who got his name from the pain meds, this time Tylenol with Codeine. He's such a cutie in his flannel robe with fuzzy slippers. It was actually payback from sis since I had sent an identical bear to her when she was sick. Such a wonderful excuse to get a cuddly bear.
As I mentioned before there will be some changes around here - big changes. Like changing the name and address of the blog. I'm hoping I can figure out how to do it without destroying all my history and links and stuff. If I disappear I'll try to send notices to everyone where I've moved. The new name is Runner Girl Knits, but I don't know whether the address will still be blogspot or not; I'm a brand new domain owner! And a technodummy! This could mean trouble!
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